
Main buttons with link

Product buttons leading to cart (add to cart buttons)

They require 'product box'. You can change the product and text from side panel. They are with full width on mobile. You can change this by selecting the button, going to 'styles', then scroll to the bottom where 'custom css class' is and delete the 'full-width-on-mobile' class. Leave 'button'.

Couple of buttons in column section

If you want couple of buttons next to each other, you need to use 'columns'. You will need 'product box' for each button in order to be able to align them.

Buttons with icons

Titles and texts

Centered title

It stays in the center both on desktop and mobile.

Aligned to the left title

It stays aligned in left both on desktop and mobile.

Centered title that aligns left on mobile

It aligns to the left on mobile, but stays centered on desktop.

Aligned to the left on desktop, centered on mobile

It is centered on mobile, but stays to the left on desktop.

Product ribbon

Its styles are in the main css of the theme. It consists of two sections (one for mobile and one for desktop view). It cannot be made only by one, because the change of style in both versions does not allow it.

Melissa - control your AC from your smartphone

Header with image and buttons

Section with centered background image and centered content

Vicki allows multi-room heating control directly from your smartphone! With Vicki's Artificial Intelligence, you can save even more compared to smart thermostats!

*30 days 100% money back garantee

Take a look at our App

Our intuitive mobile application helps you control your AC from smartphone

Take a look at our App

Our intuitive mobile application helps you control your AC from smartphone

Take a look at our App

Our intuitive mobile application helps you control your AC from smartphone

Smartphone control

Maya's mobile app allows
you to have unlimited control from

Smartphone control

Maya's mobile app allows
you to have unlimited control from

Smartphone control

Maya's mobile app allows
you to have unlimited control from

Smartphone control

Maya's mobile app allows
you to have unlimited control from

Smartphone control

Maya's mobile app allows
you to have unlimited control from

Vicki auto-detects
when you open a window

Vicki allows multi-room heating control directly from your smartphone! With Vicki's Artificial Intelligence, you can save even more compared to smart thermostats!

*30 days 100% money back garantee

Aligned to the left on desktop, centered on mobile

Have you ever arrived at your villa and had to wait to heat up? Melissa SIM puts an end to your suffering - simply install a local data SIM card and turn on your A/C on your way to your new home. Melissa will heat up the villa for you.

Is Melissa compatible with my A/C?

You are not sure if Melissa can control your A/C?
Enter your A/C brand and find out!

Melissa controls .

Functionalities provided to control your A/C.

Set the temper­ature

Turn your A/C on and off

Choose the mode of operation

Change the fan speed

Configure smart settings

Melissa doesn't control .

Section center with white text

Vicki allows multi-room heating control directly from your smartphone! With Vicki's Artificial Intelligence, you can save even more compared to smart thermostats!

Vicki auto-detects
when you open a window

Vicki allows multi-room heating control directly from your smartphone! With Vicki's Artificial Intelligence, you can save even more compared to smart thermostats!

Vicki auto-detects
when you open a window

Vicki allows multi-room heating control directly from your smartphone! With Vicki's Artificial Intelligence, you can save even more compared to smart thermostats!

Vicki auto-detects
when you open a window

Vicki allows multi-room heating control directly from your smartphone! With Vicki's Artificial Intelligence, you can save even more compared to smart thermostats!

Our customers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ultrices justo sit amet elit dignissim feugiat. Etiam in arcu in dui fringilla molestie. Donec turpis lectus, feugiat non nulla ac, gravida ornare tellus. Vestibulum leo purus, auctor pretium ipsum vitae, sodales efficitur odio

Eric, United States

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ultrices justo sit amet elit dignissim feugiat. Etiam in arcu in dui fringilla molestie. Donec turpis lectus, feugiat non nulla ac, gravida ornare tellus. Vestibulum leo purus, auctor pretium ipsum vitae, sodales efficitur odio

Eric, United States

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ultrices justo sit amet elit dignissim feugiat. Etiam in arcu in dui fringilla molestie. Donec turpis lectus, feugiat non nulla ac, gravida ornare tellus. Vestibulum leo purus, auctor pretium ipsum vitae, sodales efficitur odio

Eric, United States

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ultrices justo sit amet elit dignissim feugiat. Etiam in arcu in dui fringilla molestie. Donec turpis lectus, feugiat non nulla ac, gravida ornare tellus. Vestibulum leo purus, auctor pretium ipsum vitae, sodales efficitur odio

Eric, United States

Vicki auto-detects
when you open a window

By using Wi-Fi or a local connection, you have the power to navigate Maya to clean your home for you.


By using Wi-Fi or a local connection, you have the power to navigate Maya to clean your home for you.

Vicki auto-detects
when you open a window

Vicki allows multi-room heating control directly from your smartphone! With Vicki's Artificial Intelligence, you can save even more compared to smart thermostats!

Vicki auto-detects
when you open a window

Vicki allows multi-room heating control directly from your smartphone! With Vicki's Artificial Intelligence, you can save even more compared to smart thermostats!

3 умни режима на чистене

Maya cleans efficiently all kinds of surfaces. You can rely on her to sweep, mop or vacuum your flooring.



Clean and Healthy filters

With its triple filtering system, Maya is filtering out 0.003 micron dust, moreover, any ash leakage and secondary pollution is totally avoided.

Почиства не само прозорци

Maya cleans efficiently all kinds of surfaces. You can rely on her to sweep, mop or vacuum your flooring.




Buy Vicki

Vicki is a smart radiator controller which can regulate remotely each heating unit at your home. With your smartphone, you are able to control as many devices as you have radiators for.

*30 days 100% money back garantee

Compare 2 products options

Vicki is a smart radiator controller which can regulate remotely each heating unit at your home. With your smartphone, you are able to control as many devices as you have radiators for.

*30 days 100% money back garantee

Vicki is a smart radiator controller which can regulate remotely each heating unit at your home. With your smartphone, you are able to control as many devices as you have radiators for.

*30 days 100% money back garantee

Compare 3 products options

Vicki is a smart radiator controller which can regulate remotely each heating unit at your home. With your smartphone, you are able to control as many devices as you have radiators for.

*30 days 100% money back garantee

Vicki is a smart radiator controller which can regulate remotely each heating unit at your home. With your smartphone, you are able to control as many devices as you have radiators for.

*30 days 100% money back garantee

Vicki is a smart radiator controller which can regulate remotely each heating unit at your home. With your smartphone, you are able to control as many devices as you have radiators for.

*30 days 100% money back garantee

Become everpresent at your home

You are not sure if Melissa can control your A/C?
Enter your A/C brand and find out!

Vicki auto-detects
when you open a window

Vicki allows multi-room heating control directly from your smartphone! With Vicki's Artificial Intelligence, you can save even mor

Set pre-programmed routes

Maya cleans efficiently all kinds of surfaces. You can rely on her to sweep, mop or vacuum your flooring.

working time

180-240 min

working time

working time

100-150 m2

cover area

Fits everywhere

Maya cleans efficiently all kinds of surfaces. You can rely on her to sweep, mop or vacuum your flooring.

Eliminates bacteria

We are unable to see it, but under the furniture,
it is full of bacteria, germs and dirt. Maya is equipped to get rid of them all.

Bacteria, Mold seeds, Dust mites, Dust

Vicki auto-detects
when you open a window

Vicki allows multi-room heating control directly from your smartphone! With Vicki's Artificial Intelligence, you can save even mor

*30 days 100% money back garantee

Aligned to the left on desktop, centered on mobile

ILorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla urna sem, auctor id quam in, laoreet consectetur metus. Duis dignissi Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla urna sem, auctor id quam in, laoreet consectetur metus. Duis dignissi

Вижте кога има засечено движение.

Irem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla urna sem, auctor id quam in, laoreet consectetur metus. Duis dignissi Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla urna sem, auctor id quam in, laoreet consectetur metus. Duis

Забравен отворен
прозорец вкъщи?

Iem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla urna sem, auctor id quam in, laoreet consectetur metus. Duis dignissi Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla urna sem, auctor id quam in, laoreet consectetur metus. Duis

Управлявайте щорите
вкъщи през смартфон.

ILorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque in purus lectus. Etiam et nulla eu ligula dictum tristique eu eu nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque in

*30 days 100% money back garantee

Shelly 1

IControl a wide range of home appliances and office equipment (lights, power lines, garage doors, curtains, security systems, heating radiators, air conditioners, etc.) from anywhere with the smallest WiFi-operated relay switch with

*30 days 100% money back garantee

Vicki auto-detects
when you open a window

Vicki allows multi-room heating control directly from your smartphone! With Vicki's Artificial Intelligence, you can save even more compared to smart thermostats!

3 умни режима на чистене

Maya cleans efficiently all kinds of surfaces. You can rely on her to sweep, mop or vacuum your flooring.

3 умни режима на чистене

Maya cleans efficiently all kinds of surfaces. You can rely on her to sweep, mop or vacuum your flooring.

Auto cleaning

Maya will clean every
corner in the room

Auto cleaning

Maya will clean every
corner in the room

Auto cleaning

Maya will clean every
corner in the room