Have you ever wondered what is the difference between inverter and non-inverter AC? Take a look at the top 5 advantages of inverters that make them better than non-inverters.
Eco friendly
The biggest difference between inverter and non-inverter AC is the fact that the motor of the inverter compressor has a variable speed. The speed of the non-invertor compressor is fixed. This means that it operates either at full or minimum speed. A censor in the invertor adjusts the power according to the temperature in the room, lowering the electrical consumption and saving energy.
Saving money
Due to the sophisticated operational method of the invertor, its compressor does not work at its full capacity all the time. When the speed is lower, the needed energy is lower too and you pay less money for electricity.
More quite sound

As the compressor motor of the inverter air conditioner does not turn on and off all the time, but keeps working at low power, the operation is more quite.
Longer life
The technology of the inverters not only makes cooling and heating more efficient, but it also makes the AC’s life longer.
Faster Cooling/Heating
Last but not least, the inverter AC is able to cool or heat your room faster than the non-inverter. This is due to the fact that in the beginning of the process, the inverter uses more power than the non-inverter and diminish the power when it gets close to the desired temperature.
Eco friendly

The biggest difference between inverter and non-inverter AC is the fact that the motor of the inverter compressor has a variable speed. The speed of the non-invertor compressor is fixed. This means that it operates either at full or minimum speed. A censor in the invertor adjusts the power according to the temperature in the room, lowering the electrical consumption and saving energy.
Saving money

Due to the sophisticated operational method of the invertor, its compressor does not work at its full capacity all the time. When the speed is lower, the needed energy is lower too and you pay less money for electricity.
More quite sound

As the compressor motor of the inverter air conditioner does not turn on and off all the time, but keeps working at low power, the operation is more quite.
Longer life

The technology of the inverters not only makes cooling and heating more efficient, but it also makes the AC’s life longer.
Faster Cooling/Heating

Last but not least, the inverter AC is able to cool or heat your room faster than the non-inverter. This is due to the fact that in the beginning of the process, the inverter uses more power than the non-inverter and diminish the power when it gets close to the desired temperature.